Monday, March 21, 2011

Re-posting 'What Makes You Get Up in the Morning' here by popular demand

I turn off the heating for the night since I am all nicely bundled up under a warm duvet and I have two balls of fur curled up right next to me. This means that it gets a little chilly in my bedroom in the morning. Have you faced this hard decision of having to decide when to pull out of bed? That means deciding when to put your nice and warm foot on the cold and unforgiving hardwood floor, when to extirpate your body from the cozy protection of the duvet and face the fearsome world of traffic jams, meetings and ironing. And that's a pretty tough decision.

Like all tough decisions, it is good to take some time to consider all options - there is no point in rushing into the open jaw of this sharky world. This morning, the decision was particularly hard as the panther and the apprentice tiger curled up on the bed were still sleeping. Usually, they are my alarm clock. So I reviewed all the possible reasons for me to take a leave of absence from heaven.

'Rid the world of sarcoma' - that's a pretty powerful reason and a very rewarding activity, post coffee intake. Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of sarcoma-related activities planned today - none that can't wait for a couple more hours.

'Find the man of your life' - now, we're starting to get into serious territory. I then pictured my commute: solitary on a bike. Then, half asleep and sweaty on Caltrain. Then in an office of which I have already met all the inhabitants and with lunch catered in - then back on Caltrain in my bike clothes for a mere 40 minutes and roughing it on the bike in the rain and up the hill. Sounds like my best chances to meet the man of my life and look attractive enough to be noticed would be on the return commute which is a few hours away, So no need to get up now for that.

'Solve web checkins and help people navigate the web through people' (hint: that would be my job) - given that half my office is out sick I actually probably incur a serious risk of catching some kind of awful cold again if I show up at the office, even though I do have some important meetings, and with VPN technology and my laptop, I could totally spend my commute time in bed.

'Win the lottery'. Since I don't buy lottery tickets, this would have such a remote possibility of happening, that is, I would have to step on a ticket that someone has lost in the street that would then have to happen to be a winning ticket. Meanwhile, I would have to do work as I would have to figure out how to check the results of the lottery draw. Risk-reward balance doesn't look good enough to leave my bed.

'The alarm is telling you to get up'. I just turned it off and it is not telling me anything now.

'The cats are now awake and licking your face and want food' - the rasp feeling of their tongue on my face is unpleasant...and wait...this is also their toilet paper. OK, I am up.

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