Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Nat's post lightship 2011 photos

Story #1: I just got into a nasty bar fight. You should've seen the other guys

Story #2: I took up boxing - I won the round

Story #3: there were 15 of them, they were after my purse. Gave them a hard time and they had to run away

the real story... I slipped while on the boat, not even doing anything dangerous or complicated and not in any rough uncontrollable weather or seas...just like a total idiot, ended up head first on the low side winch and cleats...Typically made of hard metal pieces...

It was a really stupid thing to do...

Yesterday evening (Monday evening)
Yesterday evening, a few hours later
This morning
This morning...The strange thing is that I didn't hit any of these areas. There is a light bruise covering my cheek and my eyebrow and temple. That's where the brunt of the trauma took place (and where the cracked bone is - by the way, it looks like the 'eye socket bone' is called the 'orbit'...). It is still swollen compared to the other side and definitely hurts on touch now - but nothing like the golf ball of Saturday. Not quite sure what's up with this eye business. I am thinking that it is gravity that is moving the blood that got released by the trauma to gravity-friendly empty pockets nearby, which would be right below my eye, where it gets squeezed by nose and cheeckbone and can't easily move around anymore.

I still feel so bummed to have had to drop out of the race...and so sorry for Nathan who was also looking forward to the event.


My new Halloween costume

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