Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Last minute jobs before the start

Filling up the water bladders

our 'lock-in' mechanism for the sliding companionway hatch

a more complete view of the above

Stephanie helped with the provisioning. We turned Eise into a floating Safeway
SSB mounted and tested - and we JUST made it to the skippers' meeting

Water bladders secured and protected by a canvass bag so they wont rub against the fiber glass hull

I don't think that we would have been able to get the boat ready in time for 0ur start without all the help we received. Thank you Brian and wife, Nick, Eric, Stephanie, Magic Jason, Lorraine, Lynn, Heather and Linda.

Some of the last minute fixes:

- try the emergency rudder with a boat speed of 8 knots

- try the trysail and put permanent sheets on it

- added line below the lifeline to provide extra containment power

- magic Jason took out the sewing machine and made some canvass bags to protect the water bladder

- sterilizing the water bladders

- secure the sliding companionway hatch such as it could be open from inside and outside

- mount and test the SSB (we called a guy in Hawaii on Saturday morning)

- provision, put the food into ziplog bags by meal and then into big garbage bags per day (labeled by date)

- select the wine for the half-way party

- last safety checklist and loading up the boat

- laminated cards with location of all emergency devices and heavy items

- prepare the grab bag

- get liferaft

- mount and check heavier battery

- run engine and check oil levels

- put up Sarcoma Team signs on the hull

- add sail number to the trysail

- get propane for the stove

- flush and bring cameras

- bring users manuals for all critical equipment on board just in case we need to do a repair job

- we brought the EEEC PC but we didnt have time to set it up so we were weather blind as soon as we were out of vhf range

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