Monday, June 23, 2008

We are getting a transponder!

So you can follow our progress....neat!

And please note the NOR thing (for non-racers, NOR means Notice of Race): do NOT give us any information about other competitors' location. We will have a daily position check-in for tactical purposes.

However, it is perfectly fine for you to use this information to ship us some wine. Just make sure the bottles are nicely packaged in a sealed and padded cannister when they are dropped in the water. In the absence of a fridge, we'll probably prefer red.

Satellite Transponders

Thanks to the organizational and research efforts of Vice Commodore Jim Gregory, we have contracted with FIStracking to provide satellite transponders for each and every boat at no additional cost to you (unless you break it, of course). FIS has supported many major regattas, including Vic Maui 2008, Swiftsure, and more.
These will be made available to boats doing the return trip for a modest fee.
Not only does the tracking create a really great viewing experience for those at home, it also provides an added safety element in the event someone needs to find you to rescue you or bring you cookies or something. Please note that PER NOR and SI's, direct or indirect access to the sat tracking information by competitors is forbidden so as to preserve the fairness of the race.

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