Friday, June 17, 2011

Debugging the NKE autopilot

It looks like the clutch is not getting any power when it should so that would explain why the pilot does not go into drive mode and the clutch is not locking the ram more test to run (apply power directly to the clutch, by-passing the computer) and it will confirm that the problem is with the computer. Spent a few minutes wiggling around like a worm in the back of the boat, trying to unscrew a screw that was so close to the fiberglass that I could not fit a screwdriver upright in that corner.

Somehow an email from the support folks (not NKE, US-based company) got to me, and was probably not destined to me.
"Somehow I have the feeling that they (she?) have absolutely no clue what they are doing"

and the funny part is that it probably is true!!! - well, to a certain extent only...

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