Monday, February 14, 2011

SSS - Sailing and Sam's Sunday - Leg 1 - Upwind

Starring Deborah, Belle, Jim, Tom and Nat

Leg 1: from Saint Francis Yacht Club (San Francisco Marina) to Bonita Point The view from the boat The view from the bridge zooming in CHiP, Monterey and Italian fashion styles... We sailed past the bridge, tacking our way up to Bonita Point. Is that Deborah's hair in the foreground??? The real situation

Nat: 'ok, I won't say anything but we are getting dangerously close to shore, we're at least 1 mile close to it'

Tom: 'That's too hard, I can't watch this. Wake me up when we've landed'

Deborah 'this is a ton of fun, let's see, what happens if I push this button? Oopsie, got everyone's butt wet'

The PR version of the situation

Nat 'I am super zen'

Deborah 'let's look like I am doing work here. Total control. I am mastering this stuff.'

Tom 'probably should look serious here, I am teaching right now'

The crazy one: wearing shorts...

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