Monday, February 14, 2011

SSS - Sailing and Sam's Sunday - choice quotes

Nat pulls the spinnaker pole out its sleeve to rig the downhaul (some kind of line)

Jim; 'what is that used for?'

Nat:'I'd use it to whack you in the head if you don't do as I say'


Safety Training

Nat: 'remember, always one hand for the boat and one hand for what you are doing, like your beer for instance'

Jim, joining us. Nat to Deborah 'would you like to catch him up on what we just talked about?'

Deborah 'one hand for the boat, one hand for the wine'

My kind of girl :))


Jim (who went below to put on his waterproof pants) 'Wait, I don't have my pants on yet'

Nat: 'you don't have any pants on?'


Belle: 'I have a sandwich in my boots'

Belle: 'if you need sunscreen, I have some in my boots'

Nat: 'how many things do you have in your boots??? has anyone introduce the concept of bags to you?'


Nat, getting ready to douse the kite: 'Jim, blow the guy'

Jim (turning to Tom) 'which guy?'

Nat: 'wait, that didn't quite come out right. We're not blowing anybody'


Tom: 'we use full-fingered gloves in sailing so that you don't lose your finger when you cut it off'


- 'can you pass up the yellow sausage sail bag?'

- 'what sailbag? you mean the condom?'


- 'can you pass up the blue condom? I need it to cover up the tiller'


Jim about to get rid of his wet foul weather gear clothes, 'I need to get changed'

Deborah 'into your neglige bra?'


Deborah: 'So, what do you do for bathroom?'

Nat: 'Well, ahem, er...we have a bucket...'

Belle 'Nat, this is an oversized bucket'

Nat 'well, it's Coast Guard regulated size...'

'the Coast Guard regulate how much you pee?'

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