Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Calistoga Water

I am sure that you will be pleased to know that Calistoga is sponsoring the Pacific Cup and will donate many-a gallons to every Pac Cup participant...

This is very cool because if I get stranded on a liferaft again (remember, Nathan booked us a FOUR-person raft so we can have a little party in there) then I'll have some really high quality water around. I will put the bottle of wine in my grab bag and we'll be all set.

Seriously, it's incredible how people are able to market...water...H2O...

Oh, and we were definitely told not to bring a book as there will be no time for reading. I agree with this statement while you are actively racing your boat. If you end up in a liferaft, you will face the most boring time of your life and you'll be prepared to die for something to read, even if it is the finance pages of the Wall Street Journal. So if you want my advice, bring some really nice reading material in your grab bag...

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