Sunday, November 29, 2015

Baja Ha Ha: Leg 3

The last leg was the shortest and of course it ends up in Cabo San Lucas - the great finish. We had some great winds - most of the time, we would drop the kite before my watch because the wind would die. Yes, I was that lucky. This time the wind stayed strong around 25 knots all night which was great.

It takes some getting used to driving Crescendo when used to fast light boats - Nathan certainly has more experience than I do. I enjoy learning curves. 

Photographed photographer

Our last spinnaker leg - we then went wing on wing with the poled out jib clocking 11 knots through the water. Not bad for a 30,000 pound boat!

Nice set up for the engine. Easy to lift up.

Enjoying the day and the wind

Jibing on Crescendo meant socking the kite, moving lines around and unsocking again. Nice and easy - except that we had to also worry about running backstays

Happiness takes 20 knots of wind, a spinnaker and a boat...

Keep your kite full

Half of our start line is running away

Daniel feeling the power of the boat. The bow is a great place for that. You can really feel the weight of the water that needs to be displaced

 Taking a nap

 Typing up a blog post

Cabo from the ocean side

Putting away the spinnaker gear

Tropical waters is so blue

One last look at the lady

The cape

Passing a boat that doesn't drive as low as we do

Anchoring operation


 Kicking ass

Busy cockpit when the lines are out

The ocean got busier as we approached cabo


The view from the bathroom

Great going that day. I loved it.

Our last sunset

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