Sunday, November 6, 2016

Vallejo 2 of Vallejo 1-2 on JouJou

Tom, owner and skipper of JouJou welcome me on his boat for the 2nd leg of Vallejo 1-2. I had never sailed with nor on this typ eof boat so quite a treat, learning new things.

The biggest challenge was that we faced really light air but we only had a jib when all the other boats flew a genoa. This clearly impeded boat speed. We were in the right place on the course, taking advantage of the early ebb, then crossing over as after the wind died it was most likely to come back up on the left. We had to cross the main channel once due to a ship which hurt us a litle but not much. Overall a very fun day. I took a uber back to Vallejo where I had left my car and Tom bravely sailed the boat back up the city front in 27 knots!

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