Sunday, July 15, 2012

Boat Work Day with Serge

Project Engine Support -

Serge cut out a similarly shaped piece of wood out of some teak, bolted it onto the current support and painted it white so that it could blend in.
Project bolt cutter - Elise got her new bolt cutter. Instead of stowing it away in some really wet spot (inside some kind of hole or under the settee so it doesn't go flying out), I decided to try to keep it dryer and still low. I snapped it onto the side of one of the settee, behind the regular Bay tool and flare box.
This is how the heavy part of it is held up
Also got tired of the mess inside the nav table. Removed everything that is not required for Bay races (local charts and basic plotter instruments are required whenever out on the boat) - installed velcro'ed pocket so that more things can be added for long distance races (pens, erasers, etc...) without cluttering the nav table. And in most cases, it shouldn't even be needed.
Installed SpeedPuck (velcro, easy to remove it after every use - and boy that velcro is solid stuff!!!!)
Installed coat hook. This has two purposes. 1) can provide some privacy to the bathroom area and 2) avoid having dripping wet foulies make everything else wet. This will drip directly into the bilge. For long distance races, Elise has a gear hammock which is very convenient. (actually two of them) to stow things. However, both of them hang on top of other things so having water running out of the hammock isn't ideal.
This one is for Pierre
Figured out where to put emergency equipment location diagram. This is a requirement for long distance offshore races (crewed mostly).

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