Sunday, February 12, 2012

Berkeley Midwinters - February 2012 Photos and Key Quotes

Photos courtesy of Nat's camera

As we are stuck in no wind on our way to the start line, Nathan brings up the motor mount. 

Right as he does that, the wind picks up a little.

Nathan - 'let me know if I need to also bring up the engine or if just taking out the mount is enough for the wind to rise up'

Nathan (asking Nat to pass up gas for the engine) - 'can I have some dinosaur juice?'

[[posterous-content:pid___0]] Roger: 'doctor's orders. I need to be like this on a boat'[[posterous-content:pid___4]] Scott and Suzanne chatting foredeck gossip[[posterous-content:pid___1]] Nathan giving Elise a shower for service and devotion[[posterous-content:pid___2]]The race gear[[posterous-content:pid___3]]Can you tell which is Suzanne and which is the post?

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