Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I have a panther in the house. Honest

Just read yesterday that panthers, eg. black cats, or black member of the felidae family are a bit like the opposite of albinos. There is no absence of genes or super weak traits that show up, there is the presence of a strong dominant gene (black color) that takes over everything, just like black absorbs heat and basically is the mix of all colors. There are black jaguars but also black leopards, etc...and there are black domestic cats. And I happen to have one of them in my house.

Imagine that pickup line.
- You have pets?
- Pets? Oh yeah, I have a panther
- Wow, is that not scary?
- Hmm?

* everyone who has seen Hershel who is the most thrifty cat when it comes to effort, I mean he doesn't hunt a mouse, he waits for Pumpkin to catch and kill it, for me to discover it on the kitchen floor and bury it at the back of the yard to go unearth it and bring it back to me as a present - will understand that 'managing' is not a very difficult feat *

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