Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Pacific Cup 2008 Finish

Lining up Pyramid Rock (the sign for our finish...)
We have dropped the chute (spinnaker for non-sailors) and are now beating up to our "escort boat". The boat will tow us all the way into Kaneohe...

The end of the adventure...
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Brenda Boitson said...

Hello! I am Brenda Boitson-my husband is currently battling angiosarcoma at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, MD. I would love to learn more about your journey at the Beatsarcoma flagship boat. My husband is an avid surf fisherman and dreams of one day being on the "high seas" and your goal seems such a great thing! I hope to hear from you soon. You can see our journey at http://www.theboitsoins.info Brenda@Lnkweb.com Thanks!

Brenda Boitson said...

edit that-our address it http://www.theboitsons.info