Saturday, December 1, 2007

Wine and Cheese with Catherine

A few weeks ago we took Elise and Catherine out for an afternoon sail. The winter is the off season for racing. We use this time, to get a lot of wine and cheese work done, we look at any maintenance item or repair the boat needs, and this year, any new piece of gear we need for the Pac Cup, we ask around to find out who would be interested in becoming a Beethoven, we race in the fun and relaxed MidWinters and we can do a bit of practice. Wind is light so it's good to start practicing in those conditions. Once all the moves are automated, we can move onto performance training.

Wine and Cheese are Elise is nice if people don't get too wet which can happen if the wind is fairly strong as Elise is fast and has very little freeboard. Spray may add flavor to the cheese but will definitely spoil the wine. And I am doing everything I can to keep Elise's deck free from wine stains ;-) Downwind would work as the boat is much flatter but in this case, we could do wine and cheese regardless of our point of sail!

Attached the beautiful pictures Catherine took along the way and Nathan's new haircut.

Healthwise, I am doing great. I feel phenomenally good and I will finally start working on a serious project at work. We premiered "Life Vs Life" at Google with everyone participating in the project. The cats are healthy and the weather is beautiful. I couldn't wish for anything more!

I wish you all the most pleasant weekend.

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