Saturday, December 22, 2007

Elise Cruise Day IV - Clean up

It was decided that while I would drive to get a new masthead fly, the boat needed some cleaning...Nathan did a great job at taking everything out so things could dry and air out...We used Heather's present to funnel air through the cabin.
Foul weather gear, radar reflector, anchor and anchor line, rags, dock lines, motoring cone and anchorage ball, buckets, etc...everything was taken outside and we recharged the batteries with our two solar panels.
Elise looked pretty clean. Here's our bags, coat room, living room and emergency storage (you can see Elise's EPIRB)
Our communication center.
Sail storage room.
The other half of the sail storage room as the genoa doesn't fit into one picture.
But it was all so worth it. Nothing can capture the beauty, peace and magic of a night on the ocean.

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