Friday, April 25, 2008

Getting fit

Somehow, I also feel that it is important to be fit...I won't be running around the boat but it is very taxing to stay focused on sailing, to fight waves and wind and get hammered by the sun or freezing up all night. By being fit, at the very least, my metabolism should be pretty efficient and whatever energy I have, I should be able to make the best of it. Secondly, I recuperate much much faster when I am fit - and given the sleep 'depravation'*...this might come in handy! Finally, having a stronger body will help me fight off cold, potential infections, etc...and anything nasty that might come my way. And yes, that would include an alien strikes back scenario.

So I run...I bike...I walk/hike...and I sail.

(pix is me at "The Relay" last weekend - look, I can fly!!!)

* yes this is meant to be a joke...

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