Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Going down the list...purchased some more safety items

Namely, a boltcutter for next time we lose the key to our lock, always useful to break into your own boat ;-)

A carbide blade as you never know, you may have to cut loose your mast if you are dragging it in the water and it takes quite a bit of effort to eat through the section of the shrouds! We already have a hacksaw on board, and 3 marine knives to cut lines in an emergency (one per person and a generic one for the boat, easy to access at all times).

And I got some sandpaper and more round brushes so we can run parallel job as we finish up the painting of the trailer.

And Nathan has booked time with another boatyard as we now need to:
- replace the forward hatch
- install a temporary mount for an external halyard (we will use one of the old halyards as spare), on the starboard side as we have spare cleats on that side
- replace or fix the boom bail which somehow got seriously bent
- unscrew, seal and put back all of the shrouds' chainplates. We need a pretty watertight boat!
- build an emergency rudder. We looked at making this ourselves but decided to use that time to train up instead, so we will outsource the job.


EVK4 said...

do you have a checklist you're going by for safety items, or just going by the ISAF regs?

Nathalie Criou Racing said...

Both - we have a checklist and are using the requirements. We are talking to the other Express 27s that have entered the race to swap notes. Among them, there is a Pac Cup veteran so it is very helpful.