Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mark's Sense of Aesthetics

We would like to point out to very elegant outfit that Mark wore during the day. Very casual and city-like, and definitely very elite. Not very many people chose to wear jeans while sailing in very choppy waters and heavy breeze. The jeans do take on an extremely flattering hue of blue under the combined effect of salt and water.

For those in the know, Mark was just trying to find a reason to use the club's sauna. He had heard about the 15 teenage girls that were having an end-of-year sauna party. Unfortunately, the girls used only the sauna in the Ladies' shower room and Mark was directed to the Men's where he saw nothing of interest. Next time, we would like to suggest wearing a skirt.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's no way to get re-elected, Congressman. Henry VIII you are not.

-M <--- will donate skirt in exchange for photos, preview of proffered skirt below: