Left sea lion: 'You see son, that's a sailboat. It's like a channel marker except that it moves and sometimes gives you fish. They sometimes fight for territory with channel markers, they have a weird battle approach, typically going around them. Channel markers are definitely the alpha specie though as most sailboats quickly leave the area and surrender to the marker.'

Left human: 'so you see Nat, these are sea lions. They like to rest on Channel Markers. They are kind of cute and can swim faster than we can sail'

Left sea lion: 'sailboats are pretty slow usually, son, kind of a marine cow if you ask me - but some of them can be cute. This one's rather nice actually. Nice lines. Too bad it's a male, you can see the long appendix at the back.'

Nat (foot is visible) - let me demo to you the typical sea lion behavior on a channel marker...
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