Monday, December 16, 2013

More prep for SHTP

Repair kit with fiberglass cloth, regular fast cure epoxy and underwater epoxy for below the waterline hits.

Also I get a bunch of clamps in case things need to be put back together...

Oh, and a spare or new lifejacket with harness. On the LongPac once Heather's (crew and friend) inflated just because of spray going over the deck and other than the really funny look on Heather's face, it takes time to go below, deflate, replace the cartridge..and if you are in the middle of a rough patch, you might want to not have to deal with this.

Thus far, I have brought a bay lifejacket and a spare harness...thinking that just getting rid of the jacket and putting another one on that can handle all the offshore bells and whistles (quite literally) might be better. Also because if you are tired, you might not want to have to think about how to change the cartridge. So you can get immediate replacement and figure out how to fix the first lifejacket when you have time and a rested head...

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