NOTICE OF MEMORIAL FLOTILLAA Protector named Farallones will lay anchor off of Belvedere Point in the Racoon Straits on Saturday April 21st, Evening at 7:00 PM.We invite all friends, watermen, and sailors to come out to the water and join us for Sunset. Our Memorial schedule is as follows: All boats are asked to ensure everyone has a life jacket and you turn on your running lights to indicate you are part of the memorial.
Flotilla is Invited to encircle the boat and anchor or motor. The schedule is as follows:7:25 PM Bagpipe will begin playing
7:30 PM 1 minute of silence for each crew member
7:38 PM Bagpipe plays
7:46 PM 8 Bells at 30 seconds per ring
7:50 PM Boats are asked to lay wreathes and flowers in the Bay as Bagpipe plays
7:55 PM Dusk
8:00 PM Return to ShoreWe are trying to arrange boats so that everyone can attend who would like to remember our friends.If you have a boat or would like to help us, we are coordinating those who would like to join the procession and memorialize our friends.Please email: with the name of your vessel, your contact info and the number of people you can take. We will organize a pickup and drop off zone.Our goal is to watch the sun go down and remember Low Speed Chase from the water, in a way they would have wanted to be remembered.Please get the word out and boats out on the water.
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