Friday, May 23, 2014

Adding more pins to the tiller

I will be leaving with two brains that can control the hydraulic ram below deck, I want to make sure that I have a backup for that hydraulic ram in the event that it breaks. So I am taking an X5 wand (borrowed) that will be connected to the Doomsday Device brain (separate brain, also acts as a brain backup for the Doomsday device) and a switch that tells it to use the tiller wand or the hydraulic ram.

I am also taking an ST 2000, a fully integrated unit which will probably not work in higher winds but should give me some sleep time in lighter air, or slower speeds, even if I have to reduce sail area quite a bit as the final backup. I will also be borrowing a second unit so I have a backup of a backup.

Failing that, it will have to be sail-based auto steering.

In any case, I am told that due to vibrations, the tiller pin to which you connect the tiller pilot can get out of its socket which renders the tiller pilot pretty much useless. So Brian recommended to have more than one pin.

Here is the result:

Serge touching up the varnish on the tiller around the pins

Re-installing the tiller on the boat.

Nicely epoxied pins. Hopefully I will never have to use them

The pins and the tiller is taking a trip to Los Gatos. Thank you Brian.


I will also be taking a couple of spare pins with me just in case.

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