Sunday, August 5, 2012

Solar Panel Project

When the sun came out we figured that it would be a great time to install the 40 W solar panel to supplement the teeny one when running the autopilot during a day sail.

First we unpacked the beast
Then we pushed the wires through a little sealed hole (with rubber) - 
Nat did most of the crawling below, stripping the wires and cramping on a heatshrink ring terminal
Serge was the surgeon aid, passing on tools so that Nat could breathe (the other solution would have been to bring all the tools at once or go back and forth for them...given that the workshop was space challenged, tag teaming sounded best) - here with the heat gun that we use to heatshrink the terminals.
A knife that was used to remove initial cable ties that were holding the terminal block (see below)
Nat screwed on the terminal block with the connections from the solar panel to the charge controller to the wooden backing plate for the spare rudder.
Back up on deck, we secured the solar panel
 And we moved the teeny one to the other side so both can have sun at the same time and push more amps through to the batteries.

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