Weird island. No car, only two harbors (and in fact one of them is called Two Harbor and that's negligible, the only real place is Avalon. People get there by ferry (although I just noticed that it's got a tiny airport. Not sure how you get anywhere from the airport, but hey, it looks pretty modern)
The town is definitely for tourists. Loads of souvenir shops, ice-cream shops...we enjoyed a 'funnel cake' on the pier. Beaches (also in-harbor beaches) and anchorages around the island. Boats bubbling left right and center.
There is no dock per se. Each boat picks up a mooring buoy. We had to pay $25 for one night (they come catch you the minute you get in) and that did NOT include any amenities (we had to use public restrooms and pay $6 for a 10 min shower in town!) and it did NOT include the shoreboat (some kind of taxi boat) which was $4.50 ONE WAY. (so imagine, a trip to the bathroom costs you $9...) - we were careful about when to go inshore and when to come back...
We spent our time there napping, eating and reading...and attend the Coastal Cup party :)
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