Jason (from Argo Yacht Rigging) is amazing and a Godsend. He does great quality work and think like a racer so his solutions are extremely elegant. He also knows a lot of people he can hire to help and he's shown a fabulous ability in fitting Elise into his busy summer schedule. We also spent the entire 4th of July weekend working on the boat...
He and his friend (Lela) have also decided to make a donation to BeatSarcoma. They made a cute lightweight custom dodger for Elise and they are donating it to the cause (read: we will pay for the dodger of course but they will then turn around and donate the proceeds to BeatSarcoma). We are therefore listing them as 'sponsors' of our fundraising efforts for the Pac Cup.
Some of the things that were done between Jason and us:
1- tiny strong colorful lines under the forward and aft lifelines
2- SSB mounted (all units) and ground strip run
3- Plumbing done for the water bladder and system tested - also secured but looks like Jason is working on a better system
4- upgraded and mounted battery #2 to > 15 Amp-hr
5- 2nd bilge pump that can be operated from below deck
6- Companionway sliding hatch "locking" mechanism installed
7- New dodger
8- Bought second hacksaw and carbide blade (decided not to take the bolt cutter...a little heavy and clumsy)
9- Refilled spare part bags with lines, turning blocks and shackles and upgraded our sail repair kit
10- Installed LEDs to light up the magnetic compasses
11- Mounted and tried on emergency rudder (we will now try outside the harbor)
12- Connected solar panels/electrical system with the charge controller
13- received the EEEC PC (it's tiny!!!) - I will download some software and play around with it...
14- Secured anchor to the bottom of the boat and added a lot of padding so no metal parts will be in contact with the fiber glass
15- Learned every single sq-inch of the most aft 'cell' of the boat
16- Earned ability to remember every single West Marine employee's first name at the Sausalito store (where the boat was over the weekend). One of them commented that there were better places to hang out than their store...
17- Got another spare winch handle and bucket (Fedex'ed messed up a shipment that went straight back to West Marine...)
Frankly, I just feel like we should be practicing right now, not drilling holes...Someone was kind enough to say that if we really focus and sail hard, we can do really well. I hope he's right but I feel very under-prepared tactically and strategically. I am certainly starting to know the boat very well...
We will use sunblock. Elise will use a sunattract
Cute isn't it? :)
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