the 'emergency items above deck' diagram, taped up right by the hatch
Drying light foul weather gear
Dinner...loads of days worth...
the 'emergency items above deck' diagram, taped up right by the hatch
Drying light foul weather gear
Dinner...loads of days worth...
The 'sailor's kit': cup, winch handle and water bottle...
Nathan just done with a gybe on the foredeck (we took turns. I really wanted to be 100% reliable, even though, I didnt have previous Pac Cup experience). Nathan trusted me...he went to sleep while I was on watch...
The ocean was pretty interesting on port side that morning. note that the padded lifeline was my toilet seat after Nathan lost our bucket overboard...Oh and what kind of debries did you see this morning?
- a floating fender
oh, nice, i saw a paint container lid...and a couple of flying sardines
Nat relieving him and clipping in for her watch
Nat driving in a squall (it was raining hard) - note that France is up. Squalls were announced by
- wind shifts (sometimes up to 20 degrees - we decided not to gybe all the time since it would mean waking up the other person and since squalls would last 10 to 15 minutes, it wasn't always worth it. and we got both headers and lifts)
- cool breeze
- dark clouds and often a blanket of rain
The moon. One night, one beautiful starry night, the moon rose, a big yellow was absolutely magical...
Sunrise after a morning squall. Typically, we wouldnt actively trim the spinnaker. The lines were running aft so it was possible but most of the time, we had to drive to it. I rounded up three times (twice we were actually fiddling around with a wrapped up kite and were both involved) and only once during a squall at night. Elise is a very stable downwind boat and driving deep was a pleasure. She's eager too in the swell and heavy breeze...
We opened the wine at the halfway party!!! It felt SO good on the palate...and to our senses.
It is so strange as we can get used to quite a lot...