Hallo Hallo Beethovens!
This weekend marks a historic milestone for Elise...
First, Nate and Nat were scheduled to participate in the very famous Three Bridge Fiasco. There's a good reason why it's called a fiasco, we didn't even show up for the start line! Nat had an urgent last minute pro appt right in the middle of the race and Nate got a cold! What were those two thinking about???
The weekend was brightening up though as the girlies on the program decided to meet for an afternoon of fine cuisine, fashion, gossip and hard training.
Let's start with the cuisine. We had some fabulous lunch at the St Francis Yacht Club (thank you Amy!!) and we debated for hours some of the most fundamental questions on this planet. Why are French fries called French fries? What is French about them???
Toward the end, we were trying to find clever ways to attract the waitress' attention. I suggested to dance on the table. Amy thought that it would be hugely effective but would have the unexpected effect of putting my membership in jeopardy. A very wise thought indeed. I am glad that I asked.
We then proceeded to a fashion show, admiring the latest collection of boat covers as we need to select a bride dress for Elise (she will hopefully soon be wedded to the club).
After we delighted our senses with those beautiful scents and tastes, we hopped on board for the heavy work. After about 40 minutes of fiddling about with the "always start first time, just look at the label and you know it'll work" Honda engine, we were off.
Fortunately, there was wind for us out on the Bay. Not like some Ushuaia Bay somewhere South of here...
We first started with some gentle tacks, then some trimming...then we looked at setting up a kite which we did not launch because Amy drove us way too fast back to the harbor.
Thank you ladies for taking the time to practice. Good crew work is a necessary conditions to a successful program and to everyone's enjoyment!
Big take aways for the girls:
- Weight matters (more than size...) . So unless there is a very good reason not to be on the rail, move back up there as fast as you can
- Speed of movement/execution is paramount! Observe the other crews on the boats nearby. Around the marks, tacking, hoisting or dropping a spinnaker just before rounding a mark. The longer you can keep your sails up, the faster you can tack, change course, the faster you can bring your weight back onto the rail, the faster the boat will go :)
- Always say "ready" preferrably when you are. That way, the skipper doesn't have to look around to figure things out
- Try to learn one job and become really good at it, then you will a) have fun! b) make us go really fast ;-) c) master the "piloting" skills and have the opportunity to look around the boat to learn the other jobs.
- Come to more practice days :) Practice makes perfect - even the pros recognize this :)
We then decided to practice some spinnaker sets, hoist, trim, gybes and drop...Because there were only three of us left at that time, we decided to do this...at the dock!!
So some weird passers-by must have thought: these girls are dumb. They are hoisting and trimming a sail but they don't realize that they are still tied to the dock!
Do you think that this would hurt my membership application?
Truth is that there was barely enough wind to fill up the kite (I could hold it with my bare hands...). Here are our positions:
- Heather: foredeck
- Kate: Pit/Trim 2
- Nat: pole sleeve, Trim 1
We went through a lot of ceremonious "pole up, pole down", "set, hoist and drop, sometimes in the water" and "gybe "- if possible without hitting the wall. Definitely getting clearer in everybody's mind.
Conclusions of the day:
- Heather: if you're up for it, let's train you up for foredeck! Thing to work on: gathering the spinnaker on deck if possible, unless this is a net fishing day.
- Kate: if you're up for it, let's train you up as Trim2/pit. Things to work on: move fast back onto the rail and listen to Trim 1/pay attention to the foredeck person to work in harmony with them
- Nat: you need to practice starting this stupid engine under any conditions
- Amy: since you worked as Trim 1 and Trim 2 this time around, we might need to choose one or the other for this season. Thing to remember: weight on the rail and try to move as fast as possible!
And now for the good news! Nathan who made up that weird excuse is not exempt of work. He's the main contributor to a crew manual! Coming to a theater near you SOON!
- Finally please note the feminine touch. Amy asked us to be back at the dock at 03:30. Touchdown was 03:33- Hopefully our starts will be more precise...
Pics coming up...